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 Obversive Design Docs Started  

A lot of new material has just been added to the Obversive design documentation in the docs wiki. Feel free to browse it if you are interested. There are links to the right that will take you there, or you can go from here.

These docs are based on the ones I use at work and on other projects for designing a system. They are extremely complete and focus on user centered design. The majority of the workproducts comes from IBM's OOTC (Object Oriented Technology Center) design method. They call it a "Project Workbook Methodology", which is a fancy way for saying, "Cookie Cutter Docs". I then augmented the standard OOTC workproducts with additional workproducts from Deborah Mayhew's work, and added some extra stuff needed for CMM compliance.

Overall, this creates a very complete set of workproducts that almost any project must complete to ensure that everything is covered. It does not imply any particular ordering, or development method. It simply lists the things that you generally have to do and document.

This also means that it has much more stuff than most projects will ever need, Obversive included. We'll be cutting out the things we don't need to do and giving a rationale for them as we go.

Contributed by: Admin (Friday, October 18 2002 @ 11:51 AM PDT)


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Obversive Design Docs Started
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