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We\'ll Get Right On It | 3 comments | Create New Account
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We'll Get Right On It
Authored by: zedshaw on Friday, February 07 2003 @ 11:58 PM PST
Hi, thanks for the comment. I'm sure you probably are a very busy person with lots of things you need to do, so I'm really glad you found time in your busy schedule to comment on our little questionaire. In the future, we'll make sure that we conform to the standards required of publishable research and make our analyses as accurate as possible. Please check back later.

And, just for the record, the survey has very little influence on what we are targetting. We are targetting Linux, and Mac OSX simply because we develop on them. Windows will be a target because the entire world uses it. Based on this, we are using a cross platform build system that should target all systems equally, assuming R can keep up. This primarily just influences how quickly we need to get different releases out.

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Poor Research, Unfair Results
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, February 18 2003 @ 03:47 AM PST
If you look at the amount of dowloads for the MST1 pre-release (18th February). You can see that almost 90% of people downloaded the linux and 10% the MacOSX binaries. This also reflects the percentage given in the poll. Of course ObveRsive people could have separated PPC, i386, ... versions, but whatever release or distro you use, linux is still Linux. Now the question is, how many people will download the Windows binaries, as soon as it will be released?

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