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Linux x86 Release Up | 63 comments | Create New Account
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Linux PPC (Yellow Dog, Others?) Up
Authored by: zedshaw on Monday, February 10 2003 @ 06:59 PM PST
I just posted a Linux PPC release of MS1 for people to play with. I doubt there are too many Linux PPC users out there (and even fewere Yellow Dog Linux users), but releasing under Linux on PPC allows me to make sure that the Linux x86 release will probably work.

Also, my x86 desktop machine ate the big one this weekend and I'm in the process of rebuilding it. That will hold off the Windows and Linux x86 releases until later today or tomorrow. FYI: Stay very far away from the ReiserFS. It is evil. Pure evil.

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Linux x86 Release Up
Authored by: zedshaw on Tuesday, February 11 2003 @ 06:57 PM PST
Thomas was kind enough to compile an x86 binary for me, which I just posted to the files section. It was compiled on Debian Linux and it ran just fine on Gentoo Linux as well. It should run on just about any Linux, but please post a comment here if you run into problems.

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Win32 Releases Up! Yeah!
Authored by: zedshaw on Thursday, February 20 2003 @ 12:28 AM PST
Well, after much pain, I finally got everything to work for Windows! Yeah! Actually, it wasn't too hard. Most of the difficulty came from having to deal with the changes in VS.NET that Miscrosoft introduced. They really messed up the interface this time. Oh well, it works, that's all I need to worry about.

Please check out the Downloads section for the obversive-win32-MS1.zip file. It contains a setup.exe file which will install ObveRsive WoRkbench on your computer. Remember, it doesn't really do anything yet, but it does let you play with the interfaces.

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MS1 pre-Release Up Ready To Play
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, May 31 2004 @ 07:42 AM PDT
This comment and the following deleted as SPAM

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