@@ -3,54 +3,23 @@ informatioon they need to work.
!!! Project Management
-; StatementOfWork : The purpose of the project, kind of its charter.
; ProjectStatus : The big picture status of the project.
-; AllocatedRequirements
: The current set of requirements being worked on in
the latest milestone
-; ProjectWorkbook : The workbook which lays out the design documentation
-; SoftwareDevelopmentPlan
: The plan that details how
the allocated requirements are
to be assembled into
the latest
milestone release
-; SoftwareDevelopmentRisks
: The potential failure points
that must be dealt with at this
milestone. These should be technical and social.
-; MilestoneReviews : Past reviews of
the success of each milestone.
-; ExternalCommitments : The people, places, and things which depend on this project, or which this project depends on.
-; DocumentedPolicyDeviations : Deviations fromt he policies (listed below) that this project has made. Developers doing something that deviates should put a little message here
+; MilestoneReleasePlan
: How we plan to release
the software
. Don't hold us to it though, as we're all volunteers
+; WorkBacklog
: An overview of
the stuff we still need to work out
to meet
the next
milestone (and others)
+; SoftwareWorkproducts
: The "aggregate components"
that make up the next
milestone. These correspond to different components in
the ObveRsive system
-!!! Software Development Documentation
-; SoftwareWorkproducts : The "aggregate components" that make up the next milestone. They take AllocatedRequirements and categorize them by functionality.
-; SoftwareEngineeringReviews : Reviews of the design and implementation of each milestone.
-; SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan : How the project intends to maintain quality in the software.
-; SoftwareQualityAssuranceReviews : Reviews conducted frequently (and hopefully automatically) of the software's quality, and whether the SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan is working.
-!!! Systems
Management Documentation
+!!! Software Configuration
; SoftwareConfigurationManagementPlan : The detailed description of how the current milsetone will be configured to produce the final product.
; SoftwareConfigurationManagementStatus : The current status of the latest build. This should be automated.
; PendingSoftwareWorkproducts : The list of SoftwareWorkproducts, and how much of them have been completed for the milestone. The completion rate is usually a percentage based on the completion level of the AllocatedRequirements described by the SoftwareWorkproducts.
-; BaselineDeploymentReports : A report reviewing the latest BaselineDeployment for quality.
-; BaselineAuditResults : A page of short audits of the BaslineDeployments giving their status.
-!!! Security Documentation
-; SecurityControls : Indicates the various controls placed on the development process to assure security of the baseline. Also can include measures to prevent software security issues, if they do not fit into the SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan.
-; PotentialSecurityRisks : This should be a set of AttackTrees which give potential risks to the project.
-; SecurityReviewResults : Reviews of the relevance of the PotentialSecurityRisks for each milestone.
+!!! Developer Documentation
+; GettingStarted : A document for new developers who are interested in working on Obversive. It basically gives you a quick introduction to getting Obversive to build on your system.
+; ThingsToKnow : After you get through the GettingStarted document, you should read this for things the current developers think you should know.
+; ContributingToObversive : This is our guideline for how to contribute to the project. Nothing major, just things that help us organize our resources and such.
+; BranchingAndMerging : How we manage branching and merging in the project. This is essential reading for working on the project, so make sure you know the rules.
-!!! Policies & Procedures
-; SoftwareLifecyclePolicy
: The development process followed, detailing steps developers and software configuration managers follow to work on
the project.
-; ProjectCommitmentsProcedure : The process followed to handle changes to project necessary to meet user's needs. Also known as ChangeManagementProcedure, but involves non-code related commitments also.
-; SoftwareDevelopmentPlanningProcedure : How each milestone is planned and how development is coordinated.
-; SoftwareWorkproductPlanningProcedure : How each workproduct is planned out, and how resources are allocated to work on it.
-; SoftwareWorkproductTrackingProcedure : Describes how a workproduct's progress is tracked.
-; CriticalResourceManagementProcedure : How resources critical to the project's success are managed.
-; ProjectSchedulingProcedure : How work, deployments, changes, etc. are scheduled on the project.
-; SupportFacilitiesPlanningProcedure : The process for planning the support facilities needed by the project team.
-; SoftwareProjectManagementProcedure : How work is coordinated
with a standard project management process.
-; SoftwareProjectPlanRevisionProcedure : How
the plan for the project is revised with new changes
-; ChangeManagementProcedure : How change requests are submitted for review, handled, integrated, and completed.
-; MilestoneReviewProcedure : How milestones are reviewed to ensure they are meeting requirements and quality.
-; SoftwareQualityAssuranceProcedure : How software quality assurance is measured and conducted.
-; SoftwareConfigurationManagementProcedure : How
the software is configured for release.
-; SoftwareConfigurationManagementPlanningProcedure : How each release configuration is planned.
-; SoftwareConfigurationManagementStatusProcedure : How the status of each release is determined.
-; BaselineAuditProcedure : How each baseline install is audited.
-; SystemSecurityPolicy : How the security of a system is audited, maintained, etc.
+!!! Development Team Pages
+; ZedShaw
: The guy who coordinates all
the stuff
with the others
+* more
the come *