These notes are really rought right now. Please try them out and let ZedShaw know what you think.

Install Notes for Mandrake

Install Additional Mandrake Software

Install Additional Required Software

  1. OmniORB
  2. R --enable-R-shlib (you can get an .rpm from CRAN)
  3. FOX 1.1.25
  4. SCons 0.13
  5. Lua 4.0.1
  6. LibTPT


  1. Download OmniORB 4.0.1 from http
  2. Untar the .tar.gz
  3. cd omniORB-4.0.1
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. ../configure
  7. make
  8. sudo make install (or, su, then make install)


  1. Download RPM from http
  2. rpm -Uvh R-...rpm
  3. Add /usr/lib/R/bin to /etc/
  4. sudo /sbin/ldconfig


  1. Download Lua 4.0.1 from http
  2. Untar lua-4.0.1.tar.gz
  3. cd lua-4.0.1
  4. make
  5. sudo make install

The last two steps are needed since we'll be loading the file to use, but Linux won't know to look there for the library unless we tell it to (via the /etc/ file).


  1. Download source .tar.gz from http
  2. Untar tar.gz
  3. cd fox-1.1.25
  4. ./configure --with-opengl=no
  5. make
  6. sudo make install


  1. Download source .tar.gz from http
  2. Untar tar.gz
  3. cd scons-0.13
  4. python build
  5. sudo python install


  1. Download LibTPT 1.20 from http
  2. Untar the archive (there's several different types .gz or .bz2)
  3. cd libtpt-1.20.1
  4. perl --cxx /usr/bin/g++
  5. make
  6. sudo make install

Get Obversive Source

There's two ways you can get the source
  1. Go to and grab the source release.
  2. Check out the source from CVS.

The one you want depends on why you're building Obversive. If you just want to try building it, and don't really plan to track development, then you can just download the source release. If you want to keep up to date with the development, or you want to start working on the project, then you should check-out from CVS.

Download Source Release

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Downloads" link to the right.
  3. Find the release you are interested in.
  4. Get the .tar.gz source.

Checkout From CVS

  1. Make sure you have cvs installed.
  2. Do cvs -d co obversive

Building Obversive

The main thing you have to do is make sure that all of the pre-requisite software is properly installed. This can be very frustrating since it takes a long time to compile much of the software you need. While writing this documentation, it took me about 1.5 hours to do the whole thing from scratch. It may take you longer since I had special knowledge.

If all you want to do is play with Obversive, then please don't bother building it from source. We do not follow the anti-usability credo of typical open source projects which require you to build their code. We're perfectly happy if you never have to see anything we write. Our goal is to create a positive user experience for people. Because of this, we provide heavily tested packages and installers for all of our supported platforms, and we release them at nearly the same time. Go get one of the installers or packages if you just want to use Obversive.

If you're interested in helping develop, or you are just curious about how we do things, then feel free to download the source and get it all working. Feel free to send us feedback on problems you have while building.

With that said, here's how you build Obversive.

  1. Make sure you have everything installed. Don't install stuff in weird places. You'll only make things harder on yourself.
  2. Make sure you have the source, either via CVS or from a .tar.gz source release.
  3. cd obversive (we'll use "obversive" to mean the name of the directory)
  4. scons all
  5. scons install
  6. You now have obversive living in build/deploy. You can run it from there if you like, or you can copy the files to a better place for you like your home directory.

That's it really. Obversive is currently designed to run out of a single directory and the build process only does enough of an install for the developers to use it. We create packages that actually install the final product into a logical place for each platform. Since we work on so many different platforms, it's not really possible to create a "one-size-fits-all" install process.

That's it. You can run obversive by running the script "runobversive" in the deploy directory. Consult the website for more documentation on using Obversive.

Last edited on Saturday, April 26, 2003 6:46:35 pm.

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