Here's the latest status of the ObveRsive project:
We have a semi-functional "pass through" release ready for people to play with. A pass through release is one where we tried to go from one end to the other (GUI to Actions to Templates to RBackend), attempting to cover all the functionality we anticipate requiring. None of the functionality actually works, we just wrote up enough to understand the tools and designs.
We have updated the documentation and started working up a more formal MilestoneReleasePlan and WorkBacklog.
There's a fairly active mailing list with five folks actively trading messages and working on various parts of the system.
We have some screenshots for folks to look at and comment on (we'll have some kind of survey soon...we are a stats project after all). You can check them out at
Our next step will be to finish off some of the remaining unknowns in the project, like how to hook the Actions, Templates, and RBackend together into something that sort of works. After this, we'll lay out the MilestoneReleasePlan and WorkBacklog, and get everyone to agree on stuff to do.